Quote of the Day

Friday, February 2, 2007

When Did I Become Old Enough to be the Mother of a High Schooler?

Today I had to pick K1 up from MS and take him to the HS to meet with his guidance counselor and pick his classes for next year. Gawd, I can still remember bringing him home from the hospital... it doesn't seem possible that he should be starting HS next fall.

Unfortunately, his pre-planning didn't go as expected. When we sat and figured out which classes he wanted last night... after picking his core classes and Band and Latin2...he had space for one semester of an elective (Band and Latin are electives but he was looking for something fun...computer design, etc.). This morning however we found out what we failed to schedule for was a study hall and this is something both his Speech/Spec Ed teacher and I agree that he must have. In order to put in the study hall, either Band or Latin has to go. His other alternative is to take PE as a summer school course (6 weeks - 3 hrs/day)... then that with the alternate elective would clear the way for the study hall. He absolutely does not want to give up Latin and this is the band year he was looking forward to. He had 2 great years of band in elementary school (great teacher!) then suffered thru 3 horrible years in middle school (lousy, awful teacher! even the parents agree on this one). He only stayed in it in middle school (he wanted to quit many times) because he had heard how awesome the HS band teacher is... not too mention they TRAVEL... DisneyWorld... national parades... to name a few. And, of course, the thought of summer school is so unappealing. However, I thought that was the best option. Anyway, I hated HS PE... why not get it over with in 6 weeks instead of having to take it everyday for 4.5 months.
So he has some decisions to make... I really want him to decide this on his own. I and his dad will be there to offer support and suggestions but when the decision is made it has to be his. And if you think that I am saying that in order to help him become more independent... HA! you'd be wrong... I don't want to be blamed if he ends up miserable over it. :)

Does that make me a bad mom? Nope...but having a child in high school...I am starting to feel my age...


Janet Webb said...

OK, I'll walk the gangplank and say I agree with the mum! Latin is a foundation subject: it will help all his SATs and his writing and his sense of history as well :)

Band sounds awesome! And as someone who still can't believe I'm bummed out if I can't hike, You Bet -- PE in 6 weeks rather than all year works for me ... he does have other physical outlets right?

And what do you expect Carrie? Clearly you got married at what absurd age to have a HS child?

Lemon Stand said...

Man, I feel old. My two oldest ones are in HS. As for his choices...I wish YOU had been MY Mom!

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm only commenting on the title of this entrie....you became old enough WHEN I did...LOL!!!