REVmates - here's the deal, this week is particularly busy for me with the filming of our new REV 8/10 gym instructor videos so I'll be asking for you questions tonight/tomorrow and I'll be responding on Wednesday.
Three things to discuss:
1. Report on the food/mood logging - I want to know who's noticed the difference - who's really tried it, and what's the difference - what do you actually feel - please share, this is so important for all your teammates.
2. Tell me about accountability - how are you keeping yourself accountable? Do you have your own motivation? If so, will you share it - or do you have a swim buddy or are you looking for one??
3. Would appreciate your thoughts on the book idea - specifically, for those who've been reading/responding to my posts - what would you find most compelling about a book written by me...I'm well aware there are a million books on losing weight out on the market - what should my book bring that others don't already have...and incidentally, it's quite alright if you respond with - "nothing" - just let me know your feelings.
And my response to it...
Revving & Logging underway...
Abs -5X
Arms - 3X
Legs - 3X
Cardio - 4X
3 - 1 HR walks
I started my food/mood logging the day after you recommended it. I have to say that the logging of what I eat makes me think twice about what goes in my mouth. I am not perfect BUT when I think what could be going in and isn't... that's a plus. In order to keep myself honest and motivated to continue, I have been posting my mood/food logs to my blog. There my friends are able to see it ( and comment on it, if they wish) but more importantly I am continuing to do it. I think if I was just doing it here at home with just myself to view it, I don't know how current I would stay with it plus, I don't think I would make all the same decisions that I have made. It is the fact that others are going to see what I ate that helps in making those decisons the most. I have also been invited to participate in a log round robin but I will let that organizer of that share the details if she chooses.
I haven't been able to see the connection between food and mood...yet. My biggest challenge this week has been the situational forces that have affected my mood greatly the last couple of days. I honestly don't think food or exercise had any affect in bringing me out of it. The problems themselves need to be taken care of first. However, I did stay fairly true to my workout routine and there was a time when I desperately wanted to bury myself in some delicously fattening...sickenly sweet food... I didn't care what... I was hearing "Eat it... you'll feel better." But my mind seemed to override those feelings... I knew what I was looking for was a quick fix to feeling better but in the long run would be even more upset over the damate done.
As for the book, what I really like most about the posts are all the EXTRAS you give us... The idea of keeping the food/mood log... the first post where you told us to journal or jot down why we wanted to be fit and pick the 3 most important... It is these and more like them that I think would make your book that much different from what's out there.
And finally, Alden's response to us later in the week...with some deletions that don't pertain to me...
REVmates – HOOYAH on your feedback!!! It kept me up most of the night, hence my delayed response – not to worry, I dropped down and gave you 50 for my tardiness.
Before I get take the CON (that is the Conning Tower – or bridge of the ship to discuss the “orders” for the week), I want to commend a few mates with a BRAVO ZULU – they are, and in no particular order:
BZ Cindy – I’m Fired UP to have you post to the Team – WELCOME ABOARD!!!I have the CON (this is what the Officer of the Deck says when he takes control of the Bridge): Last week we went to the next level – we’re now starting to explore the connection between your brain and your body – we’re fine tuning our ship to improve our experiences on our voyage. When we started, the first principle we learned was that your body obeys your brain – that your body is actually a brain housing group – it’s designed to support your brain. Your brain is in charge – in it’s most basic form your brain tells your body what to do all day long – eat or don’t eat – REV or don’t REV – watch TV or walk outside – each and every decision is made by you and your brain first, then your body executes your brain’s decision…hence our analogy of your brain (you) as the Captain and your body as your ship.
Now that you understand the basics of getting your ship underway, we need to learn how to improve limits of our ship’s functions – of it’s ability to go faster, journey longer, move more easily through all conditions (currents – your daily food intake, winds – those word both negative and positive that come at you daily to either hammer you down or boost you up, and waves – your daily fluctuations in weight (it’s NORMAL!))…and most importantly, the ability of your ship’s crew (your body, brain, and soul) to continually set new destinations (new goals), new journeys to explore and accomplish (this is Level 3 – we’ll get there, but not yet). For now, we’re going to focus on improving the teamwork between your Captain and the ship. You see, your Captain’s ability to make decisions is directly connected to the overall health and function of your ship. (You had the courage to trust me to get your ship underway – which the most challenging obstacle to overcome – now trust me, that it only gets better as you learn to improve your ship’s performance.)
Food/mood logging is more important than food logging now – because now, you’re understanding what fuel gives your ship better gas mileage with less downtime. Think about it – use crappy fuel = get crappy mileage and lots of engine trouble…but unlike a machine there’s a bigger problem, your fuel directly effects your mood, and your mood directly effects your decision-making abilities, and thus can begin a snowball effect of either good or bad habits….BREAK….food for thought – Charles Reade (a novelist) once wrote:
Sow an act, and you reap a habit
Sow a habit, and you reap a character
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny
I love this quotation because it represents the three basic levels of taking control of your life. We are currently on line two – think level two – you’ve created a habit – REVving, exercising in some form, watching what you eat, thinking positively, setting goals and getting your ship underway….now, we’re linking your habits to your character – building a better you – your way – your new you – and we’re doing it by using the building blocks of what makes you run at your optimal level – get it???!…I digress, more on this overtime – it’s important that you understand the whole mission, and how each tactic is connected to the building blocks: food – mood – movement – motivation = YOU UNSTOPPABLE.
Many of you already are learning the connection – some of you have noticed the food/mood partnership overnight – some of you it will take longer to notice, because you need to first flush your pipes of the bad fuel in your ship’s pipes so your engine can feel the difference – but TRUST ME IT WILL COME, and when it does understand the energy to positive thinking connection – that top of the world feeling of “it’s great to be alive, and I can’t wait to use every minute of the day to make something terrific happen”. Others have noticed that their engines rev-up very quickly but then run out of gas and get clogged when they add excessive of amounts of sugar or alcohol into their systems – thank you Cindy for your comments – you’re dead-on! Everyone’s system is slightly differently – just ask Beki – but everyone’s system is essentially the same = your system will run better with lesser amounts of better fuel – e.g. several of you have posted that you’ve noticed you don’t need as much food to actually have more energy and feel better…keep the food/mood logging going – this is a paramount to accomplishing Level Two – we will not get to Level Three until you master this connection – CHARLIE MIKE REVMATES!
To your questions and comments:
· Eating and Traveling – whether you’re traveling or working – fueling your ship remains the same – set a timer if you too or remember the last time you added fuel to your system – make little zip-loc baggies of snacks: nuts, dried fruit, jerky, or snacks for the BR meal plan – but pre-plan your fuel if you now you’re going to be crunched for time.
· Breathing – Anne Elizabeth is dead-on about the connection to breathing and your overall well being – practice deep breaths throughout the day – try for starters: 3 seconds inhale – 3 seconds hold your breath – 4 seconds exhale – place the tip of your tongue behind the back of your front teeth and close your eyes – do this five times while sitting (with good posture) or lying down – let me know how you feel.
· Erika – PLEASE SEE A DOCTOR – then report back.
· Morning workouts – Mary Jo – don’t beat yourself up – so you’re not a morning person – big deal – just get your REVving/exercise in consistently during the sametime everyday.
· Thank you, thank you for all your book feedback – I’ll be commenting on it shortly – you’ve given me much to think about – THANK YOU.
Maintain course and speed on your food/mood logging and exercise (hint – next week, we’re going to work on movement/mood logging so if you want to think about extra credit – start to notice how you feel after different kinds of exercise (and it’s duration)).
It’s only going to get better – CHARLIE MIKE - ALDEN
What can I say ... that doesn't sound disrespectful? Not of you but of Mr. BodyRev? I thought -- stupid me -- that smaller clothes equaled smart food choices but Carrie, wait til you see my moods: I'm throwing in the towel and buying some veggies :) You are so brave: thank you ... it's inspirational!!!
I know that I don't need another weight loss/gain book but a book about eating healthy with the right attitude and excercise would be invaluable. Especially if it was 365 days of tips, encouragement and a place to record my own journey. I think you would do a FABULOUS job on ANY book you chose to write!
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