Quote of the Day

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Food/Mood Log - 22 FEB

Turkey & Cheese Chipotle Sandwich
Lemon Raspberry Square (HEY! It's better than the Vanilla Bean Cheesecake that was calling my name!)
Salad w/carrots, tsp cheese, seed mix and low-fat dijon dressing
Spaghetti w/ whole wheat pasta... little sauce w/2 mini-meatballs
5 Hershey kisses (the bag is finally gone!)

12 ounce Black Iced Tea (sweet)
Venti Chai Latte w/skim

Water - 50 ounces (need to do better tomorrow!)


1 HR walk

Mood... good day... only 4 hours of sleep but seemed to do okay with it. Ate a nice relaxing lunch at B&N's cafe. However, 1 hour later while grocery shopping was getting tired... little sleep? the grocery shopping? or the sandwich?? But when I came home had no problem finding the energy to make dinner, do ALL dishes and some laundry.

Good Things:
1) Relaxing reading lunch at B&N
2) Book browsing and shopping
3) J buying me sugar snap peas


Lemon Stand said...

Turkey & Cheese Chipotle Sandwich. Boy that really sounds good! Wish I was as good about the water thing.

Janet Webb said...

Oh Carrie, it's great to read the "three smile-making things each day" -- thanks for sharing them! Makes you realize they don't have to be huge ... just special to you! And I agree with Miz Lemon, that sandwich does sound yummy!

Also, I was very inspired to read what Alden had to say about your navigation of those stormy seas ... glad to be part of your fleet :)