Today is very special for me. You see, 14 years ago at 2:45 a.m. I became a mom for the very first time! K1 entered the world calmly and quietly at 8lb 7 oz(he would be my smallest baby) and 21 inches. He was healthy and very, very beautiful.
K1 was actually aiming for the night of February 27, however, back then I was allowed to self-medicate my epidural. And if you don't know this about me, I HATE pain and was scared to death! So at the beginning I kept pushing that little button on my epidural pump, hoping and praying that it was going to work. So just before midnight, my doctor checked me and said that the baby was ready to be delivered however, my body was not ready. I had pumped so much of the epidural that my body from the waist down was completely and utterly NUMB. They waited just over 2 hours to let some of it wear off but that wasn't near enough time but they went ahead and delivered anyway. The funny part was that I would grunt and groan but I was only doing it because that is what I saw done on the movies. The nurse finally called me on it... apparently I wasn't doing it with contractions (HEY! I couldn't feel a thing!) But despite my lack of feeling, K1 entered this world early that morning and a new mommy and daddy were born as well. That was a day that no matter how long I live, I don't think I will ever forget.
Now this "baby" is 14 and taller than his mom, which he likes to point out often! His dad is 6'1" so we will have to wait and see if he makes it that tall. He still loves to give us hugs and wants me to come in when he goes to bed so he can say one last goodnight. He has his moments of moodiness (he's definitely my son!) but he is also very loving and not afraid to show it. He isn't that big into sports, or at least team sports. He is highly intelligent but struggles at school due to lack of streamlined "processing" from brain to mouth. He can be a wonderful big brother or a great big pain in the butt to his little sisters. If it's technical, he is interested in it and in fact, likes to watch NOVA and other science shows on PBS along with his Simpsons and other goofball tv shows. He has talked about college and the Air Force and he wants to be an aerospace engineer. I hope that his dreams come true. HE is a fantastic kid.
Great tribute DTF!!!
Sounds like everybody got blessed on 2-28-1993 and everyday there after!
Happy Birthday K1!
Happy Birthday late K1
I agree with Sinful 1000%
Hey DTF! My oldest turns 14 in August and I am still in denial that I have a teenager. Esp. since twice last week I was carded {please no comment on fact that I bought alcohol twice last week;)}
S sounds a lot like K! The whole think before speaking BEYOND him.He talks about being a Nuclear Chemist. I mean who thinks of that???
Sorry I'm late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY K!!
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