Quote of the Day

Monday, February 26, 2007

Food/Mood Log - 25 FEB

Vanilla Slimfast shake w/skim
1 slice French Toast w/syrup
2 sm pieces of ched cheese
2 choc nougat slimfast bars
1 Tukey/Salami sandwich on whole wheat w/lettuce
1 bowl Beef Veg soup
Microwave popcorn (shared w/J)

Green Tea - 15 ounces
Skim Milk - 8 ounces

Water - 60 ounces

3 hours of shoveling ... HEAVY snow

Mood... Good day... pleasant attitude... exhausted at night but hey! I worked my butt off!!

Good Things:
1) Watching big fluffy white snowflakes fall
2) Exercise from satisfying hard physical labor w/my the whole familly
3) Not having to go into work on a Sunday night

1 comment:

Janet Webb said...

Sounds like a marvelous day -- especially the part about physical exercise with your family! Tell your kids I think they're amazing fort builders!