Quote of the Day

Friday, February 23, 2007

Food/Mood Log - 23 FEB

Slimfast Shake w/skim & fresh banana added
Turkey sandwich on whole wheat w/cheese
Small movie popcorn w/butter
Bacon Cheeseburger
Oreo Cake

8 ounce Iced Tea sweet
16 ounces Vanilla Coke

50 ounces water

none... :(

Mood... Good day... nothing out of the ordinary for being tired. However, it was a long day... can't remember too much. I remember calm... relaxation... no agitation... and no strong desire for midday nap. However, tiredness really set in tonight. Long day been up since 5:00a.m. or it could be the Bacon Cheeseburger...

Good Things:

1)Eating movie theatre popcorn
2)Mailing 2 packages that should bring smiles
3)Mother-Daughter talk w/K3 about school, boys and life (her experiences and mine)


Lemon Stand said...

You and me! I am so glad I am not the only one who skips the exercise occassionally. We, do however have to make an attempt today, no matter how badly we might want to blow it off. And by the way, I have been dreaming of that Turkey and Cheese Chipolte sandwich. When are you going to post the recipe? :o)

DTF said...

LOL!!! The recipe for the Turkey and Cheese chipotle sandwich... drive to your nearest B&N cafe and order it... that's what I do! :)

Next time I get one I will pay closer attention to the type of bread and cheese and let you know. :)