Teenage Vamps
Right now I am reading Stephenie Meyer's vampire series. It started with Twilight, next came New Moon and I am currently on the latest, Eclipse. This is categorized as a Young Adult book series about a young girl, Bella, (17) and her boyfriend, Edward, who just happens to be a vampire. No synthetic blood for this vamp however, he and his family are a peaceful sort who try to rely on animal blood rather than human.

I started reading this series to see if it would be appropriate for K2. She is 12 and mentioned it. The material is definitely mild enough for her. However, unlike her mom, romances are not her preferred genre and she will probably wait a year of two before venturing into this series. I, on the other hand, love it.
Historical Romances
Shortly before I left on vacation, a friend... a certain book pimp we all know and love, sent me a historical romance... told me to give it a try. She knows that I recently just started reading them again after not having been able to for quite a long time. My complaint was that they were all the same, boring, no sex and the women were generally WEAK! Well, Ms. Book Pimp said to try it and if I liked it there were 7 more in the series. This book was The Duke and I by Julia Quinn, the first in the Bridgerton Family series. I took along with me last month on my way to a family wedding in MN. I was so hooked that I read well into the night and again in the morning while the kids swam. Lucky for me our hotel had a skywalk to a small mall that had a Barnes and Noble. I bought the next book, The Viscount Who Loved Me, and had to stop myself from buying the third in the series. However, when I got home that Sunday, I immediately went to my Paperbackswap account and put in requests for the next 6 in the series. The only bad news is that I didn't have any of them before I left on our vacation so I suffered thru some slightly disappointing paranormal books. However, when I got home all but one had arrived (in fact, that one was lost in the mail I have never received it but read the library copy instead). I zoomed thru this series and loved it! Not all were great but all were definitely enjoyable and some were even pretty hot and spicy for a historical. But mostly, I found that Julia Quinn writes with a sense of humor. I really enjoyed her writings. So if anyone wants to recommend any other books of hers, please do!

Yellowstone Reading
Also, while in Yellowstone I discovered some other books fiction and non-fiction that I needed to add to my TBR pile. The non-fiction, Lost in my own Backyard, was written by Tim Cahill. This was a very short, very easy to read book on some of the trails both main and in the backcountry that he has hiked. It was fun to read his interpretation of them and it made me want to go back and try some backcountry hiking next time.

The other Yellowstone fiction I mentioned is by C.J. Box. His series' main character is Joe Pickett, a Wyoming Gamewarden. In his latest, Free Fire, a murder is committed in Yellowstone Park. However, the murderer is going to walk free due to a loophole. It sounds interesting enough to grab my interest. I am just trying to decided if I should start with this one or go back and start with book one in the series.
It's getting late and I need to get my reading in before bed... it's the only "Me Time" I have been getting. Night!
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