Quote of the Day

Monday, September 24, 2007

Our Weekend...

First to update, K3 was feeling much better although K1 came home from school on Friday and wasn't feeling good. He was passed out on the couch by 6:30p.m. and after a brief period of semi-alertness to get him to move to his bed continued to sleep until 7:00 a.m. the following morning. K2 also proved to be rather emotional and whiny Saturday evening which was justified when she woke up Sunday a.m. with the same thing. Now all 3 kids have had this 24 hour bug... that leaves just J and myself... oh joy!

Saturday afternoon we ended up driving to visit the in-laws. On Thursday I had put out an SOS to my MIL for clothing help. I still am not sure what K1 will be wearing to Homecoming but I know that I am NOT buying him a suit coat for $150-$225 (before sale price). Insane! Yes, Kohl's had them on sale for 50% off but that is still way too much too spend on a boy who is GROWING at an alarming rate. So we have all learned that if you want something bought and you don't mind if it is used call Mom. She has an uncanny knack for finding the best items at ridiculous prices at St. Vinnie's and Goodwill. When I go to Goodwill, it's all crap. However, she can walk out with the best pieces. She did not fail us this time either. She had called on Friday to say that she had found not 1, not 2 BUT 4 suit coats PLUS a suit. And all of this was done with just having K1's measurements. We had decided that it was worth our time and gas to drive up to see them and check out the treasures she had found.

Out of all that she bought only one item didn't fit... a black blazer that we were hoping for because K1 needs it for concert band performances this winter. As for the other items, there was only one that he didn't like... a black houndstooth blazer. The suit was a dark green and his first thought was "Green?" But once he tried it on, it looked rather sharp on him so he changed his mind about that one. The pants need to be let out just a bit which thankfully my MIL is a fantastic seamstress as well so that will be taken care of (just not in time for Homecoming). K1 ended up coming home with a navy suit coat and vest and a taupe one as well. Two to choose from for Homecoming. And the grand total for 3 items we took... $25!! I told you she has an uncanny talent for thrift shopping.

We spent Saturday night exchanging pics with my SIL. She got to see ours from Yellowstone and we finally got to sit and view hers from her trip to Europe when she met her hubby who is stationed overseas. Very cool pictures. Someday I would love to visit Europe but probably not with J. :) My SIL did so much in such the time they had and admitted to running through some stuff just in order to see it all. J is the type of person who has to stop and READ everything and examine it all. It would take us a week just to do one of the cities she visited. Maybe I will get my chance with the kids. K1 and K2 are both taking Latin. Their high school trip travels to Rome... maybe I will offer my chaperone services and at least get to see that small part of the world. Actually, if the kids do it in separate trips then J could chaperone one trip and I, the other. However, it could be K1 and K2 going together their senior and sophmore years respectively; in which case, J is screwed because I will be going.

Other than going to a vintage car show, we spent Sunday being completely lazy. Along with K2 who wasn't feeling well, I had a major headache and just wanted to lay down all day. We waited for mom to wake up (a 3rd shift worker), enjoyed another slice of her apple pie and then came home.

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