I finally sat down and read Force of Nature. I still don't know why it took me so long to delve into this book. I did enjoy it... was it one of my favorites, no. But it definitely wasn't near the bottom either. I liked Ric and Annie together. I liked that they were not perfect people. He wasn't this perfect action hero, in fact, Annie with no training could out-shoot him. And she was a big girl... the evil drug lord, Jr., kept referring to her as "double-wide". So I love this about Suz that she writes about real-looking people. They aren't all Barbie doll perfect and even her SEAL heroes are human with real emotions -- hello, does anyone remember Wildcard crying in the men's room over a girl?
As for Jules and Robin, I loved where she took this storyline. I never thought that I would like Robin. He was just a whiny sleaze in the previous book. How could Suz put him with someone strong like Jules. But Suz made it work and even more, she made me like Robin. Some people may be "sickened", "grossed out", "disgusted" by two men kissing and the alluding to them having sex... to them all I have to say is, get over your prejudices and deal with it. Suz writes about them in such a way that you don't focus on the fact that these are GAY men... you just see them as two men who happen to be in love... with each other.
Someone replied in my comments section on an earlier FON post that Suz picked Ric because while he had been introduced to the readers before he wasn't this major player. We didn't really know him and LOVE him. While he would be the primary storyline in FON, he wouldn't mind sharing the spotlight with Jules. I remember after reading Hot Target, that I was left disappointed. It was supposed to be Cosmo's book yet after reading it, there was too much going on with the storylines and the build-up for Jules that it felt like Cosmo got cheated (at least for me). This one had two involved, intertwined storylines and it worked for both of them and you didn't feel like this was a build-up to Ric and Annie's story that left you wanting more. All in all, another great read by Suz.
Now what to read next...
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