Quote of the Day

Monday, June 4, 2007

Not Tonight, Dears, I Have to Read...

I was going to do another post but decided against it. I posted enough last night besides I just did a big one on the BB... although it might not be there in the morning... I really want to delete part of it... I posted pics... for gawd's sake, WTH was I thinking???? But I am trying to be brave... I am trying to live out loud... and if owning up to how big I was and showing that I've come a little way helps me or anyone else out there then I will leave it... We will see how I feel in the morning.

Now... I am tired... I put in almost 90 minutes of exercise today and that includes BR legs, abs and CARDIO!!!! Plus, I did step aerobics and the stationary bike at work today. Now I am off to bed to read for a bit. Let's hope I can make it past 2 pages!

Night, all!

Hmmm... now that I look back on this... I guess I did a post after all. :)


Janet Webb said...

Post and be proud Miz Carrie! You have accomplished SO MUCH! One of my bestest friends has that post and damn the torpedoes 'tude! You look dazzling in that last pic -- go Carrie!

And you did Cardio: Wow!

Anonymous said...

Tired... finished reading it all :)

Congrats on your exercise. My eating habits are better but not great but I've been getting more exercise. No weight loss, but a pulled back... sigh.. can't win them all...

Lemon Stand said...

Okay, now you have inspired me to get off my duff and get back to exercising... Haven't had time to get on the BB but from your post, it sounds like you are doing FABULOUS DAHLING, JUST FABULOUS!!! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Well, between reading you on the BB and here, I know it's helping me. So go on with your bad self...and be proud!!!!

We'll get there......by saying it "out loud" you own it and I truly admire your courage....and you know what, all your pictures were beautiful...before AND after.