As for trick or treatin', I told K1 he was too old to go this year which was fine because he helped out his friend's parents who turn their house into a haunted house for the night -- way too cool! He played a werewolf inside and enjoyed scaring everyone who walked thru... except for his mom (who absolutely HATES haunted houses!!) When I walked thru, he kept staring at me (no mind you, I had no idea which character he was in this place) like he was ready to pounce and then he slowly put his clawed hand towards me and said, "Meow!" in a cute little kitty tone. I love my son! He said he knew when I was coming thru when he heard K2's friend say to her, "K2, your mom is hanging on me." What can I say, at 12, K2's friend, M, is taller than I am... she seemed like she could protect me. But K1 said he heard that and knew it was us coming thru. I wish I had pics of him dressed up but the costume was provided by his friend's parents.
As for the girls, K3 was dressed as a vampiress. Very dark... She had fun wearing it to the elementary school party and trick or treatin'.

Then there was K2, who started off the season as a Vampirate... a cross between a Vampire and a Pirate. She loves a book series on these very characters and used pieces from earlier costumes and came up with her own character. She wore this when she volunteered to help out at the elementary school Halloween party.

However, when it came to the 31st and trick or treatin', she couldn't find all the pieces so she she was trying to come up with something on the fly. Her friend, M, was going as a supermodel and she toyed with that idea until she came downstairs and told me, "I am going as a mime!" She pulled clotes from her dresser and voila!

The girls are really old enough to go out by themselves but honestly, J and I have lots of fun walking thru the neighborhood and seeing all the kids out. So I doubt we will ever stop going with them... J says that when our kids are too old to go he is going to miss going out. Me? I'm not sure about that. It might be nice to just stay at home.
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