I really need to go to bed... today was a long day at work. One of my bosses is an agent specializing in Medicare products. Open enrollment ends tomorrow and we are trying to get the last of the applications overnighted and faxed off. This year was a hellish year. Anthem is discontinuing two of its Smartvalue PFFS plans for 2009 and a majority of TW's Anthem clients were on one of those plans. Hence they all needed to be switched over from the old to the new. Then due to increases by Humana and others, it turns out there is one company that is a better fit for most of TW's Part D clients. We needed to review over 350 clients... most are switching. But it's not just the volume of clients that need plan changes but also mistakes made by one company in particular in the processing of TW's appointment paperwork. His appointment didn't come thru until early December... over two weeks into open enrollment. Then we didn't have the right forms. Yeah... this year has been a nightmare. But after tomorrow, it is over. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that all apps were processed and no one was missed... and if they were, please don't let it be my fault.

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